For concisement, the following are all the references used in this design handbook.
Right picture used on front page:
[1] Design Notebook, Science Buddies, [online] 2003, (Accessed: 14 April 2014).
Left picture used on front page:
[2] Leonardo Da Vinci, Sights Within, [online] 2007, (Accessed: 14 April 2014)
NASA Engineering Design Model:
[3] NASA. "Engineering Design Process", (NASA),[online] Feb 2008, (Accessed: April 13, 2014)
Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach:
[4] [4] G. Pahl, W. Beitz, J Feldhusen and K.H. Grote, Enginering Design: A Systematic Approach, Third Edition. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2003
Waterfall Design Method
[5] David Wynn and John Clarkson, Models of Designing, University of Cambridge, 2004
[6] 6 Thinking Hats, The deBono Group, [online] 2005, (Accessed: April 16th)
[7] 6 Thinking Hats,Mind Tools, [online] 2004 (Accessed: April 16th)
[8] University of Toronto Praxis 2, "Praxis 2", 2014, Matthew McLeod, March 2014
[9] University of Toronto Praxis 2, "Praxis 2", 2014, Matthew McLeod, March 2014
[10] University of Toronto Praxis 2, "Praxis 2", 2014, Matthew McLeod, March 2014
[11] University of Toronto Praxis 2, "Praxis 2", 2014, Matthew McLeod, March 2014
[12] University of Toronto Praxis 2, "Praxis 2", 2014, Matthew McLeod, March 2014
[13] University of Toronto Praxis 2, "Praxis 2", 2014, Matthew McLeod, March 2014